Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our 20 week ultrasound was wonderful! We got to see his little heart beating, a few kicks here and there, and see his tiny little mouth open and then he swallowed!

We saw arms and legs...and counted fingers and toes! We were even blessed with this precious picture of the bottom of his tiny feet!

Overall, Rome is growing strong and healthy everyday! This pregnancy has still been a breeze (I'm so thankful) and we just can't wait to meet our sweet baby boy!!

It has been entirely too long since we have updated this thing so I thought we should catch you up! We are now at 22 weeks and counting:) At 15 weeks we were blessed with a 3d ultrasound and found out we are having a baby BOY! As most of you know we had decided his name far before we knew it was him in there... Rome Allen DeLoach!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We're having a BABY!

On January 11th we returned home from Christ Fellowship's first Sunday morning service...It was a exciting day with our first service and we were exhausted! Josh got comfy real quick and sprawled out onto the couch with ESPN on the tv and football recruiting on his computer (very typical these days);). I went upstairs to change and remembered I had a extra pregnancy test hidden away. Knowing good and well Josh wasn't planning on budging off the couch I thought it would be the perfect time to take it! It was one of those digital tests and knowing being pregnant was a slight possibility, I honestly about fainted when it said "PREGNANT." My mind ran through so many things so fast.. I forgot how to read.. felt it was a dream and went flying down the stairs! I shoved the test inside the pocket of baby pants with the word "PREGNANT" front and center..I jumped on the couch and put those pants in Josh's lap as fast as I could! His response..."Is it mine?" ....:) ... just kidding! He wanted me to put that:) .. what did he really say:: "nu-huh...are you serious? how accurate is that thing?" He actually made me run to the store for another test, a different brand of course. I was so excited I rushed to the store and back, took the test for confirmation...WERE HAVING A BABY!!:)